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Hire Top 1% Verified Media Buyers for Your Business

Hire Top 1% Pre-Vetted
Media Buyers for Your Business helps you find, hire, and manage veteran media buyers with proven track records.

“Hiring great media buyers is a dreadful process. gives me INSTANT access to veteran media buyers that I can trust to scale my ad accounts $20K/day+”

Zach Duncan

8-Figure Ad Team

Find The Most Experienced And Vetted Media Buyers In The Industry

Work With The Most Experienced Proven Media Buyers In The Industry specializes in connecting established online businesses with veteran media buyers strictly vetted for high-level AD ROIs.


Total Revenue Generated media buyers have generated a combined $260M from ads over the past 5 years.


Total Monthly Ad Spend

Our media buyers manage a combined $18.4 million per month in ad spend across all verified ad accounts.


Average ROAS

The average Ad ROI from media buyers is 50% higher than industry standard.

“Hiring great media buyers is a dreadful process. gives me INSTANT access to veteran media buyers that I can trust to scale my ad accounts $20K/day+”

Zach Duncan

Mad Raven, 8-Figure Ad Team

Find The Perfect Fit
For Your Ad Model.

Describe your requirements and what your ideal media buyer looks like for YOUR business model – for full time, part time, or freelance work.

48-Hour Average
Matching Time. clients get hand-matched with talent in their niche within 48 hours and hire in 9 days on average.

Proven Track Records
with Verified Results. media buyers are strictly vetted by us with track records of producing high-level results from ads. No charlatans.

Designed For LARGE Ad Spenders
Digital Businesses and Brands That NEED PROVEN A-Player Talent & HIGH Performance

Designed For LARGE Ad Spenders Digital Businesses and Brands That NEED PROVEN A-Player Talent & HIGH Performance

We are a dedicated team that joins you and provides expert guided support from start to finish — ensuring a win-win. Has Digital Media Buyers For Nearly All Ad Platforms

The #1 Hiring Solution For The MOST High-Powered Media Buyers

“If you’re an established business and just want to find the best of the best then is definitely the solution.”

Max Perzon, Client

Max Perzon Client


Transparent Hiring Platform

Find, Hire and Manage
All In One Place. makes it easy to find, hire and onboard proven media buyers with cold hard results. A lot of the heavy lifting we do for you.

“ made the process of finding an A-Player media buyer for our business a total breeze. It saved us a huge amount of time and headache!”

Jonatan Snellman

Multiple 7 Figure Brand Owner

“ made the process of finding an A-Player media buyer for our business a total breeze. It saved us a huge amount of time and headache!”

Jonatan Snellman

Multiple 7 Figure Brands Owner

Ready to build & scale your ads team?

Ready to build
& scale your ads team?